Saturday, October 18, 2014

No Little Events In Life

"There are no little events in life;
those we think of no consequence may be full of fate, 
and it is at our own risk if we neglect the acquaintances and opportunities that seem to be casually offered, and of small importance."

~ Ameilia Barr

"Every encounter we have, even if brief and seemingly unimportant,
may have more significance than we know. 
A brief encounter may begin a greater ripple that reaches its intended purpose years later. 
Everyone who comes into our lives may be part of our mission, and we, a part of theirs... 
By being positive and helpful towards others, even in casual moments, 
we can make the most of our time on earth."

~ Author Unknown 

I love these two quotes and wrote them in one of my notebooks years ago so I'd always have them.

They really give you much to think about as you go about everyday life.  You never know if that casual acquaintance in something as simple as talking to someone in a grocery line, or letting someone else go ahead of you as you're at a traffic stop, or just a simple smile, can be something important to another person as they go about their day.  It's something worth thinking about, isn't it??

Of course, there are more significant meetings, too.  Someone you meet at one point in your life, and then years later that person is back again in a completely different way and still a friend and willing to help you.

I've always thought about these types of encounters, but as I get older and realize I've experienced many of these moments in my own life, it makes me pay even more attention to little moments in a day and the people I encounter.


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