Sunday, October 26, 2008

An Autumn Sunday Afternoon

The autumn bird Sings his prayer of peace,
As man and field their labors cease;
God in His Heaven nods His praise
In warm benediction of autumn days.

~ Margaret Freer

We're not having autumn weather (the temperature is about 85), but inside it's been a true autumn day. I've been working on my Prairie Schooler "When Witches Go Riding" design, still hoping to get it finished by the end of the week. I've been working on that while watching football games :)

As I stitched, I started thinking about pumpkin bread, so set aside the stitching for a bit to go make a favorite recipe, Shaker Pumpkin Loaves. I always add mini chocolate chips to one loaf :)

I've noticed that this year my seasonal decorating has been a bit different than other years. I've been leaving up a few of my favorite items like the lantern and the tarnished pewter water pitcher throughout the year, and just putting out a few seasonal items. Here's what I did with the mantel area for autumn.

Hoping you've had a pleasant autumn day, too!


Rhonda said...

I'll be over shortly for a slice of your yummy pumpkin bread......

Linda said...

The pumpkin bread looked so good I could almost smell and taste it. Wish I could - I love pumpkin bread! And I love love love your mantel!

Linda in VA

Susan in SC said...

Pumpkin bread ships well so I am told...if you want to ship some to me I will test that theory for you! LOL!! It looks delicious. I like your fall decorating too. I really should start since fall will be over with soon!